What's Next for TEDxUTAustin?

Hey TEDxErs!

We hope everyone didn’t miss us too much during the past few weeks that we haven’t posted, but have no fear, as we are back and ready to give y’all the inside scoop on what’s to come regarding TEDxUTAustin.

First things first, we know that there’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to what the school year is going to look like with respect to social distancing and COVID-19 health concerns. This past spring, TEDx had to cancel its usual annual speaker conference because of these health concerns, which was a sad, but ultimately necessary, decision. While we were all saddened at the cancellation of this event, TEDx’s main priority is the health and safety of our community members. However, we’re happy to announce that we will be having a virtual fall speaker conference! We will still be having some of our amazing UT students, faculty members, and Austin community members give their amazing TED talks through a live streaming event. All of the TEDxUTAustin committees are currently in the process of planning out all the logistics to ensure that we can provide the best possible virtual experience for all of our viewers, so be sure to keep an eye out for more updates on our social media!

If you are interested in joining our amazing TEDxUTAustin community as an official team member, applications will be opening up after our fall virtual conference. Be on the lookout for applications on our social media! If you want to be informed right when they go live subscribe to this interest form and we will reach out to you. We are excited to see the talent you bring to our committees! 

Even though this semester will be mostly virtual, we are constantly trying new content and ways to continue fostering that sense of community we all deeply love. With some of us in Austin, and others staying in their hometowns, it will be different. But different is okay. As we live through this uncertainty, our team is always looking for new and innovative ways to stay connected. During these times, we’ve brought to you IGTV lessons so that we can all showcase our talents, ideas and projects to the world. We created a book club that anyone can follow along to educate and learn together, even from a distance. And the good news is that we’ve got some even greater things in the making coming your way! Make sure you are keeping up with our social media platforms @tedxutaustin, they’re our first insight to all things TEDxUTAustin. 

As always, even during these times when interactions are limited and can sometimes feel disconnected, we’re very thankful for everyone’s support and for the community that has grown from TEDx. We’ll always try our best to grow and strengthen our community, and to continue to bring new, innovative content to you all. Here’s to the upcoming semester!

Until the next time we connect,


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