Unmute: Our Spring 2021 Theme!

The word “unmute” took on an entirely new shape in 2020. As our world shifted to predominantly virtual settings we searched for new ways to be heard. During this search many people found they were not alone. More than ever, we now feel the power of community.

We want to know how you have unmuted yourself this past year. Did you dare to unmute yourself on a zoom call despite sweaty palms and a racing heart rate? Did you rally for your communities by posting on social media? Each step one individual takes towards harnessing their own voice empowers others watching from the sidelines to do the same. We hope our upcoming conference encourages you and everyone else tuning in to live their life on unmute, beyond virtual calls. The past few months have not been easy, but we are still here pushing forward. With each day that passes we find new ways to make ourselves heard in an increasingly interconnected world.

From online school to virtual family gatherings, “can you hear me” has become an incessant question. But is it entirely new? How long have people been striving to have their voices heard? Certainly, well before this new era of virtual socialization. Daring to hit unmute on a call just looked very different in pre-quarantine days. As the shape of our unmuting changes, so does the world we live in and the issues we tackle as a society. 

All it takes is for us to take a stand. It’s up to us to take the actions needed to be heard - whether that be literally or figuratively. I challenge each of you to unmute today. Whatever that looks like for you - be daring. Be daring in the smallest of ways until you can say with full conviction that you have the right and the responsibility to live your life unmuted. Whether it’s small or large, take that first step today. And by unmuting yourself and spreading your ideas to the world, really hear the power of your own voice. 

Unmute is all about comprehending the past, conceptualizing the future, and making the effort to be the voice of change in the present. Unmute yourself for the world. Unmute yourself to the world.

We asked our speakers to tell us what Unmute means to them in one sentence and we’d love to share some of their responses with you!

“To me, unmute means to amplify the truth, to make sure that there is space for multiple voices to exist, and to really dismantle power structures so that other voices and perspectives can be heard.”

- Lakeya Omogun

“I LOVE the theme ‘Unmute’. Our voices are literally our most primal instrument: it says we’re here, we’re curious, and we’re ready to go.”

- Nancy Giordano

“Unmute means taking a vulnerable lead and talking about things that you’re passionate about, or even topics that you haven’t been able to talk about before.”

- Taylor Ribar

“To me, to unmute is to raise the volume on all those that don’t have a voice for themselves. And to make sure that this world stays equal or that we’re at least working towards a world that is equal.”

- Abhinav Raghunathan

Be on the lookout!! Ticket sales for our conference start on February 10th! Sign up for our newsletter via our website to stay updated! 

Help us break the silence to amplify new innovations, perspectives, and initiatives that address our rapidly changing world, and encourage others to follow suit. This is your chance to speak up. 

Unmute at our 2021 Virtual Conference on March 6th.

Until next time we connect,


TEDx UTAustin